Friday, June 10, 2011

Lesson Preview!!!

Lesson Preview

 We introduced our new unit of study - Consider Where You Are Going - last week.  The first lesson answered the question "What is your goal in life?"  This week, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 will aid us in our discussion of "What Hope Do You Have?" 
     Speaking of hope, have you considered the fragility of hope?  When a person is in a desperate situation, he/she sometimes loses hope.  On the other hand, when facing a positive setting, it often infuses a person with hope.  So, what is it that causes situations to be hopeful or hopeless?  Let's get personal: What causes us to have hope in a seemingly hopeless situation?  Perhaps the answer can be illustrated in a true Cardinals' fan.  There is always hope until the last at-bat of the game is complete.  (As Ginger likes to say, "We're not winning yet.")

We'll look at Thessalonians Sunday and see what perspective Paul takes on the subject. 


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