Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

1st Thessalonians 4:13-18
Consider Where You Are Going
What Hope Do You Have?

In 80 percent of all boating accidents, the cause of death is drowning; but in 90 percent of those drownings, the person was not wearing a life vest.  As this relates to the lesson, at the time Paul wrote this letter to the believers in Thessalonica were dying by natural causes and possibly at the hands of Christian haters.  Even though hope was available, many chose not to embrace that hope, much like people refuse to wear a life vest.  Paul's purpose was to instill hope for those that were dying and their loved ones.

Our Hope As Christians-v13 
Sometimes people wearing life vests may drown because they do not know how to wear them properly.  The Thessalonians were frustrated about their loved ones who had died, yet in Paul's brief time with them he had not taught them about what happened to a believer prior to Jesus' return. Paul informed them that he did not want them to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope.  They had hope because, unlike unbelievers, they had a genuine faith in Jesus which can help believers bear deep grief. To get the benefit of a life vest a boater must wear it properly.  Believers have a hope that is secure, but like the boater we must make sure we have embraced the hope we have in Jesus.

Our Hope: Christ's Resurrection and Return-v14 
What are some reasons wearing a life vest might bring peace of mind to a boater?  Paul revealed a truth about our natural grief when a loved one dies.  The truth is that while the body is placed in the grave to return to the dust from which it was created-the spirit goes joyfully into God's presence!  Though we grieve the broken fellowship with our loved one-we can and should dwell on the glorious truth that they are consciously present with the Lord.  A boater can feel secure when properly wearing a life vest.  One reason we should feel secure in the Lord, even in death, is the truth of Christ's resurrection and return.

Our Hope: Christian's Resurrection and Return-vv15-17
Not everyone who wears a life jacket is saved, but it is estimated on average that about 431 lives would be save in one year if all water activity participants wore a life jacket.  In these verses Paul presents five disclosures.  They are:
  1.   The deceased believers are at no disadvantage to those still alive at Christ's return.
  2.   Christ's return will be accompanied by incredible sounds.
  3.   The Christian dead will rise from their resting place. 
  4.    Believers still living at Jesus' return will be caught up alive, meet the Lord in the air, and join the resurrected deceased believers.
  5.    One day all believers will be fully united with each other and with the Lord forever.
Christ's death and resurrection is available to all who will receive it; but like those who refuse to wear a life vest, people must 'wear' that message as they would the vest.  What does this mean to you?

Our Hope: Comfort-v18
What comfort does wearing a life vest bring to a person?  What is the purpose of a life vest?  If I leave the vest behind before I enter the water what good will it do me?  Paul's use of the word 'therefore' at the beginning of v18 indicates that he is bringing the reader to a point of application.  What application does Paul want the reader to make here?  How would Paul's words have brought comfort to those who had lost loved ones?  How can Paul's words comfort us when we must face our own death?

Conclusion:  Death happens to persons of all ages.  Your teen either knows of a peer that has died or will.  What source would you use to comfort your teen?  How can this lesson help you discuss the topic of death, the return of Jesus, and the resurrection of all believers with your teen?

Class Muny Outing

We will be occupying the free seats to see 'Little Shop of Horrors' on Saturday, July 30th.  Come early with a picnic dinner to enjoy some fellowship as we wait for the gates to open!  

3rd Annual SPOT Camping Trip

Once again we will be visiting the beautiful Bennett Spring State Park area.  Our trip will take place from August 12-14th.  We will be at a new location this year with the ability to have many more activities for those that wish them.  Canoeing this year will be done on your own as opposed to a group, but the facility can provide the canoes. There is also the ability to horseback ride, and to join a hayride..or even learn to fly fish!  Camping rates are $6 per person for those in tents.  They also have 'glampers' available.  These are fully air-condition tents with cedar floors and a queen bed in each.  Glampers are $95 per night.  The location is called Redbeard's Ranch.  You can find much more information here.  We need to find out the number that are going so that we can finalize the reservation, so please let Kevin know ASAP at

  • 6/19   Meinhardt
  • 6/23    Hurt
Prayer Requests
  • Ronda's back is much better
  • Kevin's sister is having great difficulty finding a job.  

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