Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

1st Thessalonians 5:1-11
Consider Where You Are Going
Are You Ready?

Select an event  such as the World Series, a wedding, a graduation, etc.  Now plan preparations for the event.  Suppose the people in your events failed to display signs of anticipation or preparation; what might you rightfully conclude?  Most events are the culmination of a season.  Graduation-long years of study.  World Series-long season with many games.  Marriage-planning the day since a young girl.  What about the return of Jesus; what is that a culmination of?  In this weeks lesson we looked at Paul's continued discussion regarding believers going to be with Jesus.  Thus the question for today's lesson-Are You Ready?

Recall What You Know 1-3
From verse 1 it is obvious that Paul had taught them some facts concerning the return of Jesus.  Based on verses 2-3  it appears that he used Jesus' "thief in the night' analogy.  Look at Matthew 24: 42-44.  So here is what we know:
  1. Jesus will indeed return to the earth.
  2. The exact time and circumstances of His Return are known only to God.
  3. Jesus' return will be at a sudden-even unexpected-moment.
Realize Who You Are 4-6
Paul used the contrast of light and darkness to describe two types of people.  Light refers to the spiritual awareness given by the Holy Spirit who dwells in every believer.  Those in the light live in a moral and spiritual enlightenment. Darkness is the spiritual darkness affecting those without Christ.  Spiritual darkness is deadly because it exists in the trappings of a false, secular wisdom.  True believers in Christ walk in the light of which Jesus is the essence.  The book of 1 John is all about walking in the light.  Paul instructed his readers to be alert and self-controlled.  What are the implications for us?  Satan is ever ready to pounce on careless Christians, catching us off-guard, so that in that careless moment he can lead us astray by his deceptive ways.  The basic question we must strive to answer for ourselves is-how does one stay alert and self-controlled?

Reveal Who You Are 7-10
Let's practice a little interpretation exercise with verse 8:
'But since we belong to the day.' -Since we are believers in Jesus
'let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet" -right behavior occurs when we put on the armor God has provided us.  To learn more about the armor look at Rom 13:12 and Eph 6: 13-17.

Rally Around One another 11
When Paul said 'encourage one another' he meant to talk about the return of Jesus with anticipation.  We are to build each other up so that we do not grow weary in the journey, and so we will avoid being lethargic in our behavior.  What are some ways that believers today can encourage on another?
Conclusion: Plan preparations for Jesus' return!

New Blog Format
After taking a look at the Blog recently, I noticed how a lot of items that we plan are put here many times.  To avoid all that typing (not that I mind!), I have added new calendar listings to the right hand column beginning with this blog entry.  See them over there now?  I will continue to announce and remind in class, but this makes getting the blog out easier and timelier!  Let me know what you think!
  • 6/26 Hurt
  • 7/3 no service!
 Prayer Requests
  • Allen will be having a custody hearing in court on July 5th. 

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