Friday, June 24, 2011

SPOTmail Express!!

Lesson Preview

Hope your week has gone especially well with this nice "normal" Missouri weather.  Actually, I sort of wish it were not so nice!  I'm about to work myself to death.  I just can't justify staying indoors.  Oh well, so much (too much) about me.  How about a little teaser regarding our Bible study for this week.

We conclude the unit - "Consider Where You Are Going" - this Sunday.  So far we have touched on the topics of:
  • What Is Your Goal in Life?  We concluded it is to be sanctified.
  • What Hope Do You Have?  Our hope is spending eternity with Jesus.
  • Are You Ready?  Anticipation and preparation is present when a believer is ready for Jesus' return.
This week we answer the question - Do you get along with others?

Paul wanted believers to relate well with one another so that the church is strengthened. We'll look at that more closely Sunday.

This will be the last lesson in our study of 1 Thessalonians.  After the 4th of July, we'll be tackling a new topic.

Until then,

Quick Notes
  • Snacks this week - Hurt
  • One worship service and no SPOTclass on Sunday, July 3
  • SPOTnight at the Muny is Saturday, July 30
  • SPOTcamp August 12-14

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