Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!!

New Schedule
Don't forget that this week starts the new Concord schedule!!  There will be only one service at 9:45AM.  Connection classes will be at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.  The SPOT class will be keeping our slot after church, so we will see you at 11!!!  This will also be the same time for CSM.

Browniepalooza 2011

...will also be this week!!!  Bring your favorite brownies (box or from scratch) to class (save some for home) to share.  Milk will be provided.

Church Website

As was mentioned today on the Concord Facebook page, the new church website is rolling out.  It is taking a little bit to update, but soon you should be able to see it at Concord Church.  If you see a page with numbers and different languages then stayed will update soon!  Don't forget that Concord is now on Facebook and on Twitter!  We also have our own Facebook page as a class here! 

Life Groups

...start this Sunday, as well.  See the church program or get in touch with Lanny to sign up.  Sign up info is also in the "living room" in the atrium!!

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