Friday, September 9, 2011

New Car Wash Info


Hope you can come by to support my sister, Carol.   Please pray for a good weather day!

This is the rescheduled date since the first event was rained out!   

WHAT:    Car Wash & BBQ
                to help my sister Carol Weidenhoffer with her cancer medical costs
                since she has no health insurance

WHEN:    Saturday, September 17, 2011
                10:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m.

WHERE:  Auto Zone in Lemay (NOTE:  location change from before)
                1310 Lemay Ferry Road, Lemay 63125  (314) 631-0310       
               (between Reavis Barracks and Telegraph Road ~~ 1 block south of the Lemay Post             Office on Lemay Ferry Road)
We'll need car wash helpers!  Also, if someone has a portable awning tent cover we could use, please let us know.

Would be great to see you.  Thanks for your help in any way...getting car washed, eating or helping!

Carol is continuing to fight strong ~~ (that was before hair loss)!
She'll have a cat scan 9/21 to see progress of chemo!

If you have any questions, please call us.

Rich & Linda Conrad
Rich:  (314) 221-2035
Linda:  (314) 221-2036

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